‘Stop the Steal’ Lawyer Lin Wood Threatens to Expose Steve Wynn for Defaming Him to Donald Trump
Posted on: January 13, 2021, 05:22h.
Last updated on: January 14, 2021, 08:07h.
Steve Wynn and his former lawyer, L. Lin Wood, have fallen out spectacularly. Now the celebrity attorney-cum-conspiracy theorist, fired by Wynn last year, accuses the disgraced casino mogul of tarnishing his reputation with US President Donald Trump.

Since leaving Wynn’s employ, Wood, a fervent Trumpist, has thrown his weight behind the failed legal push to overturn the result of the US presidential election.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal Tuesday, Wood claimed Wynn cast aspersions on his sanity in a conversation with Trump. Wood said this resulted in the failure of his bid to have the Atlanta Olympics security guard Richard Jewell posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor.
Wood made his name representing Jewell, who was falsely accused of planting the 1996 Centennial Park bomb that killed one person and injured 111.
Spilling the Beans
Now, Wood accuses Wynn of defamation for ruining his chances with Trump and says he has demanded millions in damages from the former Wynn Resorts chairman and CEO.
Wood says the alternative for Wynn is a public defamation case in which the details of all his legal work for the billionaire would be laid bare, and “it wouldn’t be pretty.”
I told him it stood a chance of opening attorney-client privilege,” he told the WSJ. “If your client is saying you’re not mentally stable, that might raise issues about what you did for that client and why.”?
“I would tell everything I could to defend myself,” added Wood, who represented Wynn in defamation cases and private settlements against female former employees who had accused him of sexual misconduct.
‘Pence Execution’ Post
The WSJ interview comes just days after Wood was banned from Twitter for denouncing Vice President Mike Pence as a traitor and calling for his execution by firing squad.
It was the culmination of a string of Tweets from Wood that aligned with the far-right QAnon conspiracy movement, whose supporters were among the crowd that stormed the US Capitol building last Wednesday.
The wide-ranging online theory holds that Trump is waging a secret war against left-wing, elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business, and the media.
And unusually for one of America’s foremost defamation lawyers, Wood has implied on social media that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was involved in the 2016 death of?Justice Antonin Scalia.
He has also asked Roberts via Twitter whether he “was a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as (an) initiation fee?”
Wood also claims, among other things, that billionaire sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein faked his own death and is alive and well.
‘Surprising Incompetence’
On Monday, a judge in Delaware ruled Wood unfit to represent former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in a defamation case against Yahoo! News, and HuffPost, citing his involvement in lawsuits challenging election results in Georgia and Wisconsin.
Delaware Superior Court Judge Craig A. Karsnitz described the Georgia case as “textbook frivolous litigation,” and the Wisconsin case as one that “would not survive a law school civil procedure class.”
He concluded that Wood’s behavior “exhibited a toxic stew of mendacity, prevarication, and surprising incompetence.”
Wood said he fell out with Wynn after giving an inappropriately verbose toast at a dinner party, to which Wynn objected. When admonished, Wood tried to talk about Christianity to Wynn, who is Jewish.
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Last Comments ( 14 )
I’m with Lin all the way in this one. Look for the facts and decide on your own .
Why won't the Governor or SOS allow the machines to be audited then? Must be hiding something. If there was no fraud involved, Georgia should be happy to prove no fraud exists. PERIOD. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING. THEY ARE ALL IN BED WITH CHINA
Phil, you’re a suck job for the filthy Deep State: I’m glad that the distinguished, Mr. Wood, tried to talk to Steve Wynn about his eventual, eternal life in the Lake of Fire. Steve thinks because he’s a big, Jewish billionaire that he doesn’t have to answer for his lifetime of sins against Almighty GOD. GOD Almighty is no respecter of persons and Steve needs to turn his life over to Jesus Christ. This is no different for anyone—not for me, Steve, Mr. Wood, our beloved President Donald Trump, or YOU Phil...
Maybe the votes for D. Trump to become present had been fraudalent optained as H. Clinton had the popular vote how come no one questioned the count then but Pres. Biden at the time was the one certifiying the certificates and accepted it without question. The reason why he won because at the time there where more REP in 19 states and this time these flipped to DEM and therefore he lost and he lost with less count of the populare votes when will that sink in
Wood is a psycho quack and needs to be barred for his continuous inexcusable conduct and behavior. He thinks this is a circus and spread lies and QAnon theories. Thank you judge for not allowing him to represent anyone and for calling him incompetent.
We stand with Lin Wood!
Machines can switch votes because they place the copy print ballot directly to the ballot box therefore a manual recount wont find anything . That is why you need an external forensic audit of the machines. This is why most developed country dont use them yet.
Those who claim that Dominion machines switched votes should be aware that in one battleground state (Georgia) there was a complete hand count of around 5 million ballots after the first machine count was completed. The result of the hand count was announced on 19th Nov. It confirmed the accuracy of the machine count. Further, in Georgia, signatures were verified twice (when requesting the absentee ballot, and then when the ballot was returned in a signed envelope). These two factors (hand count confirming the machine count; and signature verification) imply that there was no widespread election fraud in Georgia. On that basis, one's confidence in the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election in all the battleground states where Biden won can be trusted.
Lin Wood tells the truth. He makes wild claims but the sad reality is they are likely true. Think about it: Lin called out Chief Justice Roberts as a pedophile who visited Epistein’s island and committed fraud by adopting kids illegally. Lin Wood is a world famous defamation attorney. Would you sue if someone called you out on a national public platform and press as a pedophile and fraudster who illegally adopted kids. Of course you would. The wild accusations Lin Wood has made for the last few months about high ranking political figures has produced zero defamation lawsuits. Zero. Anyone who would sue him is afraid of discovery. They are hiding something. Epistein had a list of political/business/academic/corporate/media/religious elite who took part in his wild activities. I thought people were crazy when they called out the elite for running huge pedophile and human trafficking networks. Epistein has proven these accusations to be accurate. There was widespread election fraud in multiple states that changed the outcome of the 2020 election. Mail in ballots were dumped into the mix without signature verification, some states had tens of thousands of out of state residents who voted based on the national moving database, thousands in each state listed their residences as P.O. Boxes, thousands voted who were dead, and Dominion voting machines switched votes from Biden to Trump. Dominion was hacked as it was connected to the internet against rules. Be honest: the election fraud in 2020 was widespread and will never go away. Voting doesn’t matter. There is a uniparty. All elected Republicans in the senate are on the side of the Democrats. AOC is an anti white bigot but she is right that Pelosi is corrupt. Bernie lost the primary twice in two elections due to primary election fraud. The most unpopular senator in the last 40 years not only wins primaries, wins elections, and is also elected senate majority leader. Nope. The votes are rigged. Both parties are in on it. These are the people that send half a billion to Sudan in the Covid relief bill and 45 million to the rich Kennedy center but oppose $2000 checks for American citizens. It’s fraud. The protestors at the capitol were let in by cops who opened the gates under orders from the establishment in congress. It was a set up. Many patriots did follow inside and it was beautiful. There is nothing wrong with brave patriots protesting the biggest fraud in history. Congress was in a state of insurrection by confirming a fraudulent election. They committed treason. Protesters were right to protest. Trump should have used martial law and suspended congress. Fair elections are over on a national level. I respect Wynn. He’s good on economic policy. I appreciate his support for Trump. He did do some hanky panky but he (based on testimony) never assaulted anyone. He may have exposed himself or asked for sex inappropriately. Some of the masseuse people played along and didn’t call him out. Of course they file a multi million dollar lawsuit to get money after they know they can get a free ride. Wynn is likely a pervert but he’s not an assaulter.
David: you are one of the brainwashed masses, if possible, try to think for yourself, President Trump has been under attack by left wing nut jobs since before he took office, all accusations have been proven false--the last impeachment is idiotic, i f you believe what he said incited a riot, you are farther gone than I thought--"Go peacefully and patriotically to have your voices heard" is hardly insurrection, not to mention this is allowed under the first Amendment--you know the one that A Hole judge said flag burning was okay to express themselves under!! Maxine Waters, AOC et,al openly incited and supported violence while burning buildings and yes 275 deaths--then they bailed some out!!! But that seems to be okay because they have a "D" after their name--I believe "D" now represents demented
Mr. Wood is spot on. He speaks the truth-do your own investigating. You'll see.
There is always a fine line between genius and insanity. If Mr. Wood it's fighting to protect our constitution and especially our first amendment rights then God bless him!
Welcome to the USSA
L. LIn Wood needs to be arrested for sedition and incitement of insurrection. He is a traitor to the Constitution!