Terms Of Service

Welcome to Casino.org (the “Site”).

The Site is operated by CG Holdings Ltd (the “Company”, “we” “our” or “us”).

In addition to these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) applies to your use of the Site and the Services (as defined below). The Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into the Terms of Service and forms an integral part thereof. The Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy shall collectively be referred to as the “Agreement” which constitutes a binding legal agreement between you and us as well as governing the relationship between you and us.

In the Agreement, "you" or "your" or "user" or “player” means any person who uses the Site, Services or the Software under the Agreement.

Important: Please review the Privacy Policy prior to your use of the Site or the Services.

By using or accessing the Site or, you consent to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement and agree to be bound by its terms.

Last updated: [30th July 2024]

1. Acceptance and Amendment of the Agreement

If you do not agree to any terms or conditions of the Agreement you should immediately stop using the Site and the Services.

We may amend the Agreement from time to time and any changes made shall come into effect 14 days after being published on the Site or earlier if required by any applicable law, regulation or directive. You agree that your access or use of the Site or your use of the Services following such period will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of the amendments made to the Agreement.

It remains your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the correct, current terms and conditions of Agreement and we advise you to check the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy on a regular basis.

We may terminate or suspend your use of the Services and/or this Site at any time, at our sole discretion and for any reason which may include but is not limited to a breach by you of the Agreement without providing any financial compensation to you.

2. Use of the Site and Services

The Site and the Services may only be used by you if you are over the age of 18 and over the age for which the Site and the Services are legal under the laws of any jurisdiction which applies to you (the "Legal Age").

The Site and the materials incorporated therein are not designed to appeal or target those who have not yet reached Legal Age.

If you are not of Legal Age you must immediately stop using or accessing the Site and the Services.

3. The Services

The Site provides information with regards to casino games and the gambling industry (the "Services").

The Site and the Services are provided for free and for informational purposes only.

The Company does not own or operate any online casino or poker website nor does it accept any bets or wagers.

The Site does contain a social free-to-play poker game, Replay Poker. Replay Poker is owned and operated by a third party, Replay Digital Ltd. Please note that when playing Replay Poker, those services are provided to you by Replay Digital Ltd and not the Company. Accordingly, a different set of terms and conditions applies to any play on Replay Poker – these can be found here: www.byluis7.com/replaypoker/terms/

4. Intellectual Property Rights

The Company, its affiliates and its licensors (as applicable) own all software, data, written materials and other content, graphics, forms, artwork, images, pictures, graphics, photographs, functional components, animations, videos, music, audio, text and any software concepts and documentation and other material on, in or made available through the Site (collectively the “Site Content”).

You agree not to remove or alter any copyright notice or any other proprietary notice on the Site or the Site Content.

In addition, the brand names and any other trademarks, service marks and/or trade names used on this Site (the “Trade Marks”) are the trademarks, service marks and/or trade names of the Company, its affiliates or its licensors (as applicable) and these entities reserve all rights to such Trade Marks.

The Site Content and Trademarks are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. You hereby acknowledge that by using the Services or by using or visiting the Site, you obtain no rights in the Trade Marks and the Site Content and you may only use the same in complete accordance with the Agreement.

5. Casino.org Affiliate Disclosure

Casino.org is an independent online gaming comparison website. Some of the online gaming websites we link to are via affiliate links. This means that if a website visitor clicks through our link and satisfies certain conditions (such as making a deposit, we may receive a commission payment from the online gaming website.

6. Prohibited Activities

By visiting or using the Site you agree not to and not to permit others:

a. access or collect any personally identifiable information of other users or visitors of the Site for any reason whatsoever;

b. use the Site, the Services, the Site Content in connection with any unlawful activity;

c. copy, redistribute, publish, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate or make any attempt to access the source code to create derivate works of the source code, or otherwise;

d. to harvest or collect any data or information through the Site, or use any robot, spider, scraper or any other means, automated or otherwise, to access the Site;

e. disclose any data about the Site or the Services to any third parties;

f. distribute any malicious code viruses, spyware, trojans, worms, spybots, keyloggers or any other form of malware, droppers, logic bombs, hidden files, locks, clocks, copy protection features, CPU serial number references or any other device of similar intent to the Site or Services or upload any upload files designed to harm the Site, the Services or the users or visitors to the Site or users of the Services;

g. not modify, lease, copy, distribute, display, perform, reproduce, publish, licence, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any of the Site Content, Trademarks or User Content;

h. make the software available to any third party through a computer network or otherwise;

i. not to take any action that would reduce or harm the Company’s, its affiliates or the Sites goodwill or reputation.

7. Your Undertakings and Representations

By visiting or using the Site you represent, warrant and affirm:

a. you are of Legal Age;

b. you will only use the Site and Services for non-commercial purposes and in a personal capacity;

c. you have verified and determined that your use of the Services and the Site does not violate any laws or regulations of any jurisdiction that applies to you and you will not use the Site or Services or any materials and information contained therein, in connection with any unlawful activity;

d. you shall use the Site and the Services in complete accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, as amended from time to time;

e. you will not to use the Site, Services, or any information contained on the Site for any illegal or unauthorized purposes that violates any local, national, or international laws (including but not limited to import, export, copyright, and trademark laws);

f. not impersonate any individual, person, or entity, other than yourself;

g. to waive any right to a participate in a class action or trial by jury against the Company or its affiliates in any jurisdiction where such waiver is possible and agree to submit to arbitral proceedings in the event of a dispute as further set out in these Terms of Service.

If You are using the Site on behalf of an organization, company, or entity (collectively, a “Subscribing Organization”) then you represent and warrant that you: (i) are authorized as a representative or agent of that Subscribing Organization with sufficient authority to bind that Subscribing Organization to the Agreement; (ii) have read the Agreement; (iii) understand these Agreement, and (iv) agree to these Agreement on behalf of such Subscribing Organization.

9. Third-Party Content

This Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites, services or products or content operated by persons/entities other than us (collectively “Third Party Content”). Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only. You agree not to hold us responsible for the Third Party Content . A hyperlink from this Site to the Third Party Content does not imply that we endorse such Third Party Content. You are solely responsible for determining the extent to which you may use any Third Party Content and do so at your own risk.

We do not endorse nor do we make any warranties, representations with respect to any such to the Third Party Content (which includes but is not limited to the accuracy of the information, the quality of products or services contained in the Third Party Content).

9. Gaming Services

The Site, Site Content and Services makes available information for your personal entertainment and informational purposes only.

The Site, Site Content may contain references to, link to or advertise Third Party Content which relates to online gaming and gambling services (the “Gaming Services”).

The Gaming Services are only directed to and are intended to be viewed and used for those users or visitors to the Site who are located in jurisdictions where the use of the Gaming Services is legal.

Without limiting the foregoing, you understand that laws regarding online gaming and gambling vary throughout the world, and it is your sole obligation to ensure that you fully comply with any law, regulation or directive, applicable to the country you are located in with regards to the use of the Site, Services and the Gaming Services. The ability to access to the Site does not necessarily mean that the Site, the Services, the Site Content, Gaming Services and/or your activities via the Site, are legal under the laws, regulations or directives applicable to the country you are located in.

You hereby agree and affirm with regards to your access or use of the Gaming Services:

a. you are located in a jurisdiction where it is lawful to use the Gaming Services which you access;

b. you are not under the age of 18 or the age of legal consent for engaging in or using the Gaming Services;

c. you have evaluated the laws, regulations and directives relating to your use of the Gaming Services and your use or access of the Gaming Services will not violate any applicable law, regulation or directive;

d. your use of the information available on the Site or via the Services may result in the loss of any monies you so choose to gamble or wager on the Gaming Services;

e. you will verify any requirements imposed by Gaming Services for its use, as may be amended from time to time;

f. you are fully aware that there is a risk of losing money when gaming and gambling by means of the Gaming Services and you are fully responsible for any such loss; and

g. your use of the Gaming Services is at your sole option, discretion and risk. In relation to your gambling losses you shall have no claims whatsoever against the Company, its affiliates, its licensors or their respective directors, officers or employees.

The Site does not provide any advice on the legality of online or offline gambling and that it is your sole responsibility to understand the gambling laws applicable to you in your jurisdiction and to comply with the same.

Although we provide information related to gaming and gambling, we do not encourage you to participate in gaming or gambling (or betting). Whether you choose to game or gamble is your personal choice. However, if you choose to participate in such gambling or gaming activities please read our Responsible Gambling Policy found here.

10. Disclaimer




11. Limitation of Liability

The Company, its affiliates and their licensors shall not be liable to you or any third party in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in any way connected with your, or any third party's, use or access of the Site or the Services, whether direct or indirect, including, without limitation, damage for loss of business, loss of profits (including loss of or failure to receive anticipated winnings), business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary or consequential loss (even where we have been notified by you of the possibility of such loss or damage).

The Company, its affiliates and licensors shall not be liable in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in any way connected with your use, of any link contained on the Site nor are they responsible for the content contained on any Internet site linked to from the Site.

You confirm that the Company shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to, suspension of or discontinuance of the Site or the Services.

12. Indemnity

By visiting or using the Site or by using the Services, you agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold us, and our officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, harmless (collectively the “Indemnified Parties”) immediately on demand, from and against and all claims, liabilities, proceedings, damages, losses, liabilities, fines costs and expenses of any kind which includes but is not limited to legal fees, arising out of or incurred as a result of: (i) any breach of the Agreement; (ii) your access and use of the Site or the Services (or by anyone else using your username and password); (iii) your violation of any law; (iv) your negligence; (v) your willful misconduct (collectively the “Claims”).

You hereby agree: (i) to immediately notify us of any Claim; (ii) not to settle any Claim without our prior written consent; (iii) that the Indemnified Parties (as applicable) may assume the defense of any claim and you shall co-operate to all reasonable requests for information and assistance with respect to the Claims.

You shall have the right to employ separate counsel of any Claim and to participate in the defense thereof.

In the event that the Indemnified Parties (as applicable) do not notify you that we elect to undertake the defense of the Claim, you shall have the right to defend the Claim with counsel reasonably acceptable to the Indemnified Party, subject to the applicable Indemnified Parties right to assume, at their sole cost and expense, the defense of any Claim at any time prior to the settlement or final determination thereof.

13. Notification of Copyright Infringement

We respect the intellectual property rights of others and we require users and visitors of the Site and the users of the Services to do the same. If you believe any User Content on the Site infringes upon a copyright, or otherwise violates your intellectual property rights, you should notify the Company’s Copyright Agent by providing the following information:

a. Your name and the name of your company or Subscribing Organization, if applicable;

b. Your contact information which must include your full email address, physical address and telephone number;

c. Identify the material on the Site that may be an infringement with enough detail so that we may locate it on the Site. You should include the the URL that points to the allegedly copyright infringing content include or a detailed description of where to find the allegedly copyright infringing content ;

d. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;

e. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and

f. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Our Copyright Agent may be reached at the following contact information: [email protected]

14. Termination of the Agreement

We may terminate the Agreement as well as terminate your access to the Site and the Services immediately without notice to you (and without any financial compensation to you):

a. if for any reason we decide to discontinue to provide the Services or the Site or any part thereof, in general or specifically to you;

b. if we believe that you have breached any of the terms of the Agreement;

c. if your use of the Services or the Site has been in any way improper or breaches the spirit of the Agreement; or

d. for any other reasonable grounds we see fit.

15. Governing Law and Arbitration

By visiting or using the Site or the Services, you agree that the Agreement and your use of the Site and the Services shall be governed exclusively by the laws of England & Wales, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

In the event of any controversy, claim, or dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement, your use of the Site or the Services (“Dispute”), the parties hereto shall consult and negotiate with each other and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a satisfactory solution. In the event the parties do not resolve or settle the dispute within a period of thirty (30) days of beginning any such consultation or negotiation, then upon notice by any party to the other, any unresolved Dispute, including but not limited to any question regarding the Agreement’s existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by binding arbitration under the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA” ) Rules (“Arbitration”), which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. It is agreed that:

a. The number of arbitrators shall be one;

b. The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall London, United Kingdom. The language to be used in the arbitral proceeding shall be English;

c. the appointing authority for the purposes of the Rules shall be the London Court of International Arbitration;

d. the seat, or legal place, of the arbitration shall be London;

e. the language to be used in the arbitration shall be English; and

f. the governing law of this arbitration agreement shall the substantive law of England and Wales.

16. Confidentiality

By visiting or using this Site or by using the Services, you agree that, except as directed by us, you shall keep strictly confidential and shall not disclose, during the term of the Agreement or any time thereafter, the existence of any Dispute or the subject matter of any Dispute other than to LCIA in connection with resolving the Dispute, any or all of the information disclosed at Arbitration, or the results of Arbitration (collectively, the “Confidential Information”) to any person or entity, nor will You use or exploit, directly or indirectly, the Confidential Information for any purpose other than to resolve the Dispute in strict confidence, to participant in the Arbitration, or to give effect to the result of the Arbitration.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you will be entitled to disclose such Confidential Information if required by law provided that You promptly notify us, consult with us and cooperate with us in any attempt to resist or narrow such disclosure or to obtain an order or other assurance that such Confidential Information will be accorded confidential treatment.

17. Entire Agreement

The Agreement contains the entire agreement between us and you relating to your use of the Site, the Software and the Services and supersedes any and all prior agreement between us and you in relation to the same. You confirm that, in agreeing to accept the Agreement, you have not relied on any warranty or representation save insofar as the same has expressly been made a representation by the Company in the Agreement.

18. Severability

To the extent permitted by law, all provisions of this Agreement shall be severable and no provision shall be affected by the invalidity of any other provision.

19. Irreparable Harm

You acknowledge and agree that your breach of any of the Agreement could cause irreparable harm to us. Without affecting any other rights and remedies that we may have and despite anything to the contrary in this Agreement, you hereby acknowledge and agree that damages would not be an adequate remedy for any breach by you of the provisions of this Agreement, and that the we shall be entitled to remedies of injunction, specific performance and other equitable relief for any threatened or actual breach of the provisions of this Agreement and that no proof of special damages shall be necessary for the enforcement of this Agreement.

20. Surviving Provisions

Any provisions hereof which expressly or by their nature are required to survive termination or expiration of this Agreement in order to achieve their purpose shall so survive until it shall no longer be necessary for them to survive in order to achieve that purpose. Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, Sections 4, 7, 8 and 11-23 (inclusive) hereof shall survive termination of this Agreement.

21. Waiver

No waiver by us of any terms of the Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach of any terms of the Agreement.

22. Third Parties

Unless otherwise expressly stated, nothing in this Agreement shall create or confer any rights or any other benefits to third parties.

Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, trust arrangement, fiduciary relationship or any other form of joint enterprise between you and us.

23. Assignment

We reserve the right to transfer, assign, sublicense or pledge the Agreement, in whole or in part, without your consent: (i) to any entity within the same corporate group as the Company, or (ii) in the event of a merger, sale of assets or other similar corporate transaction in which the Company may be involved in. You may not transfer, assign, sublicense or pledge in any manner whatsoever any of your rights or obligations under the Agreement.

24. Casino.org Competitions

Participants must read the General Competition T&Cs together with the applicable Specific Competition T&Cs for each competition that the participant enters.

General Competition T&Cs

The Promoter: The promoter is Casino.org.

Eligibility:  Competitions are open to residents of permitted countries (and/or states) only aged 18 years or over, or the legal minimum age for participating in the competition under the laws applicable to you, excluding (a) employees of the Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies, (b) employees of agents or suppliers of the Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies, who are professionally connected with the competition or its administration; or (c) members of the immediate families or households of (a) and (b) above.

Participation in a competition may be illegal under the laws of certain jurisdictions. The Promoter makes no representation and bears no liability in connection with the legality of participation for the individual user and reserves its right to prevent access to a competition by any individual and withdraw any prize if it deems, in its absolute discretion, it necessary to do so. Each participant must satisfy themselves as to the legality of entry and participation into the competition and it is the individual participant's sole responsibility to check all local laws that may apply to their entry and participation into the competition.

By entering the competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize you may win. The Promoter may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the competition.

No purchase necessary: Entry is made online only via the casino.org website, internet access is required.

Entry: The Promoter will not accept (a) responsibility for competition entries that are lost, mislaid, damaged, or delayed in transit, regardless of cause, including, for example, equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind; or (b) proof of transmission as proof of receipt of entry to the competition.

By submitting a competition entry, you agree to be bound by these General Competition T&Cs and the applicable Specific Competition T&Cs for the competition.

Unless stated otherwise in the Specific Competition T&CS, entry to a competition is limited to a per person basis. Any duplicate, 3rd party, or scripted entries may result in suspension or disqualification. The Promoter reserves all rights to disqualify you if your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the prize competition.

Prizes: Prizes are not negotiable, non-transferable, and non-exchangeable. Prizes are subject to availability. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute prizes for an alternative of equal or greater value.

Winners: The decision of the Promoter is final, and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into. The winner will be contacted within 28 days of the Closing Date, and the winner will be required to respond to accept the prize and provide details within 3 days of initial contact. The Promoter will make all reasonable efforts to contact the winner via the email address provided. If the winner cannot be contacted or is not available, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible entrant randomly selected from the draw. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility if you are not able to take up the prize.

Liability: To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any damage, loss, personal injury or death suffered by any participant entering a competition or as a result of accepting or participating in any prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributers or that of their employees.

If for any reason a competition is not capable of running as planned for reasons including but not limited to tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of the Promoter which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the competition, the Promoter reserves the right (subject to any written directions given under applicable law) to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process and to terminate, modify or suspend the competition.

If an act, omission, event, or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter and which prevents the Promoter from complying with these General Competition T&Cs and the applicable Specific Competition T&Cs, the Promoter will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligation.

Publicity: If you are the winner of a competition, you agree that the Promoter may use your name, image, town and/or county of residence to announce the winner of this Competition and for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes. Competition winners may also be required to participate in any reasonable publicity arising from the competition. By entering a competition, you agree that any personal information provided by you with the competition entry may be held and used only by the Promoter or its agents and suppliers to administer the competition.

Verification: The Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of participants including age. The Promoter may require such information as it considers reasonably necessary for this purpose and a prize may be withheld unless and until the Promoter is satisfied with the verification.

Disqualification: The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any participant it reasonably believes is attempting to fraudulently enter, cheat, or compromise the system either by technical means (e.g., scripting or automation), or manual means (e.g., creation of multiple accounts per participant).

It is your responsibility to understand the laws applicable to you in your relevant country, state, city and/or town and to comply with the same in relation to the entry into this competition.

Ownership of competition entries: All competition entries and any accompanying material submitted to the Promoter will become the property of the Promoter on receipt and will not be returned.

Data Protection: You agree that, by entering a competition, personal data shall be collected and processed by the Promoter and stored on the Promoter’s respective database and used for the administration of its ongoing relationship with participants and in connection with the competition. Participants may also receive marketing communications via email if they have opted in to receive them and may unsubscribe to these emails at any time. Please view the Casino.org Privacy Policy here: https://www.byluis7.com/privacy-policy/. Personal data may also be collected and stored by our business partners involved in the provision of the Casino.org competition games and activities featured on the website.

Miscellaneous: By entering a competition, participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these General Competition T&Cs and the applicable Specific Competition T&Cs.

The Promoter’s decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to a competition, and no correspondence shall be entered into.

If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these General Competition T&Cs and the applicable Specific Competition T&Cs, the Promoter may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the competition. The Promoter reserves the right to hold, void, suspend, cancel, or amend the competition where it becomes necessary to do so.

These General Competition T&Cs and the applicable Specific Competition T&Cs shall be interpreted and applied on the basis of English Law and the Courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

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